With a wide range of digital marketing options available for businesses today, it’s hard to determine when your company’s website should be redesigned and revamped for today’s complicated digital landscape.

All websites should be evaluated and either updated or re-designed on a regular basis to meet their business’s most current needs. The true question is whether or not this could be accomplished with a simple modification or addition to the current website design, or if your business requires a complete website redesign to stay current. Here are some important evaluation factors that help to determine whether you need to redesign or not.

Is Your Current Website Mobile Friendly?

Over the last several years, more and more of your typical website visitors access and browse websites via their mobile devices. Depending on the industry, some website are almost solely accessed via mobile phones and tablets, thereby making “mobile friendly” as a necessity. What’s more, in 2015, Google’s search engine algorithm update started using mobile friendliness to help determine your website’s rankings, pushing responsive “mobile friendly design” to really become the standard in our industry. If your current website is not responsive and mobile friendly, it’s definitely time to redesign.

Today, many website designers are able to offer mobile friendly website designs with responsive web design as their standard, making websites easy to navigate and access from all types of devices, including mobile, tables and all sizes of desktops. Responsive design has been an industry standard of many years now, and should be a part of all standard web design packages. Responsive web design is standard with us.

Does Your Website’s Visual Design Fit with today’s Design Standards?

It has been said that beauty is the eyes of the beholder. However with web design, it’s easy to spot a badly designed, visually unattractive website. Website users accessing your website, in general, will determine the reputability and worthiness of your business within the first 8 seconds of the website load, and as a rule, ugly websites always fall short on customer conversions. If your website is outdated and unattractive, it’s time to redesign.

Does Your Website Load Slowly?

Just like the mobile friendliness of the website design, load speed comes in to play in multiple factors. First of all, users have no patience for slow loading websites. If website does not load in completely within 2 seconds, users will abandon and completely eliminate your business as an option. Additionally, Google uses website load speed as a determining factor for search engine rankings, basically decreasing the rank of your website and company, if it does not meet most current load speed requirements. Conclusion: if it’s slow, it has to go.

Is Your Website Not Ranking on Search Engines like Google?

For many businesses, ranking on search engines for your company name and company services and/or products is a crucial part of ongoing business growth. If your current website fails to rank for your desired terms and services, a redesign is in order. Today, 91% of users will not scroll past page 1 of Google when looking for a business or service, so being on 1st page is crucial part of all businesses.

Modern techniques for website design and development standards, including properly designed search engine optimization strategies, play a huge role when Google goes about determining your website’s ranking position. Updating your website design, code and search engine techniques is crucial and an absolute must for rankings in Google and business growth.

Does Your Website Meet Your Most Current Business Needs?

Just like all things, businesses are always evolving, whether it’s the addition of new services, new features, expansion into new territories or markets, or a complete business rebranding. Many times, this evolution simply calls for adding to the existing website, however some business changes call for a complete website redesign. For instance, has your business undergone a rebranding since your original design? Does your website need to offer online purchases for products or services? Does your website need to be redesigned to accommodate and showcase of a wider service options? Or has your business completely revamped its original focus since the last design? Taking a true look at your current design and evaluating how it fits into your current and future business goals will allow you to determine if a redesign is in order.

If you have made it through this list with questions and concerns regarding your current website and are still wondering if a redesign is in your future, feel free to contact us with any questions. We are always honest and ready to help!

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