When you enter into the world of web design or website redesign, designers and marketers immediately start stressing the importance of having a responsive website, or, what others sometimes confuse with a “mobile-friendly” website.

Today, having a mobile-friendly website is an obvious must, both from a user standpoint and as an overall market requirement. However, mobile-friendly web design techniques are still vastly different from a true responsive website design approach.

We still see “mobile-friendly” websites that are actually “mobile-only” websites, built as a duplicate of the “full-size, desktop” website. This can cause a number of problems, and still does not address the fact that there are screen sizes other than “phone” and “desktop” – there are tablets, for example.

Unlike a mobile-friendly website that only account for mobile devices into it’s structure, responsive web design accounts for all devices and their various browser size dimensions .

Responsive design takes into account all size of mobile phones and tables, including the various web browser sizes that correspond with each device, as well as desktop and laptop screen sizes and various web browser sizes associated with each screen.

A properly designed responsive websites generates a wide range of benefits when compared to a mobile friendly website.

Responsive Web Design Generates a Seamless User Experience

Unlike non-responsive web design, responsive websites seamlessly adapt and restructure themselves to users’ web browsing environment, in turn creating a website browsing experience that users enjoy, leading to better user conversion rates, whether for product sales, user signups and/or lead generation.

Responsive Websites Cost Less

When taking into account the initial website design cost of a responsive website and ongoing website maintenance cost associated with adding new pages and updating general information, responsive websites are much easier to design and maintain into the future. This leads to them actually costing less than a non-responsive websites.

Plus, at Logic Media we do charge anything extra for a responsive web design project -- it’s part of our standard service.

Responsive Design Increases Your Website Traffic

Because responsive design allows your website to function across all devices and all browsers, all users will be able to visit and easily use your website.

Improve Your Search Engine Rakings with Google

From the lead generation and search engine ranking standpoint, this is probably the most important aspect of responsive web design. Over the last several years, Google has set a strict set of guidelines that penalize websites that do not meet their current mobile friendly browsing standards, and decreases the website’s search engine ranking position as the result.

Today, with vast amount of options for web design styles, approaches and techniques, it can get complicated and confusing to know what option and approach to take. However, when it comes to a responsive web design approach there should be no compromise on the matter . It’s absolutely a must with any new website or existing website redesign.

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