In the late 19th century when the mass public was largely unfamiliar and uncomfortable with personal banking, newly established banks had to go a long way to build credibility, trust and confidence in the bank with its investors and customers. As part of the confidence and credibility building process, banks would design their facilities with grand entrances, impressive architecture, ornate lavish decorations, fancy furniture and secure vaults. All to make potential investors or clients feel secure and confident when placing their life savings into a trustworthy bank. To this day, our banks still follow the same concept when establishing a new bank or banking branch. However, in today’s world, the confidence-building factor has been taken to a whole new level. Banks build impressive skyscrapers, hire executives with lengthy resumes and spend millions of dollars on marketing to build that same trust and confidence once required to operate a professional business.

Why am I talking about banks in a web design article? Because the same factors of confidence, credibility, value and trust that banks try to achieve apply to most, if not all online businesses.

Upon the initial visit to your web page, your prospective clients will decide whether or not your company and your website can help them and service their needs. Within the first 8 seconds upon landing on your web site your visitors will determine:

  • Is your company Credible?
  • Can your company provide Value based on their needs?
  • Can your company be Trusted to do business with?

As a business owner, you only have a short moment to make the right impression, and your website design plays a crucial role in conveying the message of confidence and value. This confidence, established properly, can convert your website visitors into lifelong customers.

Consider these statistics:

  • The number one reason why potential clients leave your site is due to Bad Design.
  • Companies lose 48% of their sales because websites fail to build confidence and value.
  • Over 90% of your potential clients will visit your website when considering doing business with your company. I know I will. How about you?

A professionally designed website with proper search engine optimization will go a long way when building the necessary confidence in your business that visitors expect. When hiring a web design firm, choose a team that can develop your company website with confidence factors to build value, credibility and trust, and in turn grow your overall brand awareness and equity. A property designed professional website can:

  • Automatically change the perception of your business in the marketplace
  • Build confidence with prospective clients
  • Increase your company’s overall value
  • Maximize your client conversion rate from all advertising channels

In modern day marketing, if you fail to impress your clients and can’t offer them helpful, valuable solutions when visiting your website, then all facets of your advertising and marketing campaign are damaged.

  • Web Design: The Bottom Line-Cost vs Investment

  • Google Real Time Search